Disney's Tron Light Cycle

In 2010 after the success of Pixie Hollow, Disney asked us to create the online game for the film TRON. Growing up TRON had a huge influence on me, especially the Light Cycles, and we were fortunate enough for that to be our first game.

Additionally, Disney asked us to make the game AAA quality in the browser. It was the first project they did in Unity, and our game represented the beginning of a larger sea change within the organization away from Panda 3D.

  • December 17, 2010
  • Disney Online
  • Multiplayer Online Game
  • Unity
  • Creative Director/Art Director

High Speed Madness

To keep the loading time low and the framerates high, we divided the tracks into seperate pieces which were streamed into view as the player drives. This gave the illusion of massive play spaces. We were also able to use this technology in Cordy Sky and Cordy 2.

Design Insite: Modeling Explosions

In order to get the Light Cycles to properly explode on collision, we had to use a few tricks. First we modelled the playable bike, and the rider seperately. Next we built a special version of the bike that was divided into many smaller pieces. We then turned the individual pieces into physics objects which would break apart at the same momentum as the bike.